Getting Started with Fusebox

Whether you're brand new to Fusebox or already have an account, our goal is to make podcasting easier...and cheaper! That's why all of our paid plans include podcast hosting at no extra cost.

The setup process is quite straightforward. You'll find the instructions below to start a new podcast OR add an existing podcast.

Step 1 — Create your account

Step 2 — Choose your path

  • If you already have a podcast host, click the Add Existing Podcast button — even if you plan on migrating your podcast to our Easy Hosting.
  • If you are creating a new podcast (as in you don't have a podcast host), click the Start a New Podcast button.
If you selected Start a New Podcast, you'll have a few questions to answer about your new podcast before you're finished. 
If you selected Add Existing Podcast, and want to migrate from your old host to our free hosting, click here.
To help, here is a quick video tutorial to walk you through getting started.

Step 3 — Start Podcasting

Once you've completed your account setup, you'll want to start configuring account details about podcast players. If you just started a brand new podcast, you'll want to make sure and upload your first episode. 
Here's what you need to get started:

**** Additional instructions about hosting and managing episodes can be found here.

Next Steps

Just start a new podcast?

  • Once you've completed the steps above, you'll need to get your podcast listed on a Podcast Directory. 
  • Don't worry—we have all the instructions right here — Get Listed on a Podcast Directory

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