Featured button (Fusebox 1.0)

This support article is for Pro subscribers only. The featured button is a feature that comes with the Pro subscription only. To learn more about how the Pro subscription compares with the free subscription, go here.

Featured Button: How to Set Up

The featured button gives you three different options: email integration, hyperlink, and javascript. We'll go over each of them below.

Email Integration

First, you want to enable the featured button. Once you do that, you will see the below menu:

Most email service providers, you will add your form HTML in the below text area. Constant Contact and Sharpspring are a little different. For a detailed rundown of how to set up Email integration with Constant Contact, go here.

Click here for more detailed instructions on how to set up the email integration tab.


Now you can link to whatever URL you want from the Featured Button tab in your Fusebox Player settings. Say you have a new blog post you want more eyes on, or a guest podcast spot you want to share with your audience, you can link directly from your players (sticky player, full player, and track player!). Here's what that looks like:

And this is the front-end result on your track player:

Another way to use the Featured Button is with:


This option will let you call a Javascript function.  We don't offer support for Javascript; but if you know how to use Javascript, this is for you.  Enter the name of a function to call.  Don't use parenthesis, and note that the function will be called without arguments.

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