My player is missing episodes (Fusebox 1.0)

You may find that not all of your podcast episodes are showing up in the Fusebox player. There can be several reasons for this.

Why Your Episodes May Not Be Showing Up in the Player

  • You recently added a new episode(s) to your feed, and the feed hasn't updated yet. It can take some time for your feed to update in the Fusebox players.
    • You can force the player to load the latest version of your feed by clearing the cache: Go to Settings -> Fusebox Player -> Advanced and click the Clear Cache button.
  • There is an episode limit being enforced by WordPress or by the software you use to generate your feed. If so, here's how to update the maximum number of episodes in your feed:
    • If you're using Libsyn, login to your Libsyn dashboard and go to Destinations ➜ Libsyn Classic Feed ➜ Advanced Options ➜ Episode/Post Limit to adjust that episode limit.
    • If you're using Buzzsprout, login to your Buzzsprout dashboard and go to Podcast Settings and scroll down to Episode Limit. Make sure that you have Show All Episodes checked.
    • If you're using Blubrry PowerPress, following the instructions on this page:
  • You may be using an outdated feed URL. This may be the case if you recently started using different software to manage your feed.
    • Check that your feed URL is still valid and up to date.
  • You're using SoundCloud, and something strange is going on.

Note that whenever you add a new episode to your feed or change any of the settings mentioned above, it may take some time before Fusebox players update with your changes—sometimes up to a few hours. You can try clearing the player's cache as suggested above. If you clear the cache and still don't see any change within 24 hours, email us at and we'll help you troubleshoot further.

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