Below you will find instructions to get your show listed on Stitcher using Simplecast Creator Connect.
Step 1 — Enter all required information directory
Before submitting your show to Stitcher, please make sure you've...
- Entered all required information within your Fusebox Show Settings, including;
- Artist's name (aka the host)
- A cover art image
- A show description
- Contact e-mail
- Podcast category (or categories)
- Podcast type (Episodic or Serial)
- AND published at least one (1) episode.
**If you entered your directory details and/or published your first episode, we recommend waiting at least 24 hours before attempting to get your podcast listed on Stitcher.**
Step 2 — Create a Stitcher account
Once you've entered the required directory information, you're ready to submit your show to Stitcher.
Begin by logging into (or creating) your Simplecast Creator Connect account here.
Step 3 — Copy and paste your Fusebox RSS feed
Once inside your Simplecast Creator Connect account, you'll be asked to provide your podcast RSS feed.
Paste your Fusebox RSS feed and answer a few profiling questions about your show, such as your podcast's name, genre, etc.
Step 4 — Submit your podcast
After answering Stiticher's profiling questions, click Submit Application.
Once approved, Stitcher will email the contact address you entered in your Fusebox dashboard.