Apple Podcasts
Where podcasting all started—Apple!
Not only is Apple Podcasts the number 1 podcast directory in the world, it's also the industry standard for RSS formatting and guidelines. Needless to say, you'll want to get your show listed here right away.
Below you will find instructions to get your show listed on Apple Podcasts.
Step 1 — Enter all required information directory
Before submitting your show to Apple Podcasts, please enter all required information within your Fusebox Show Settings. This includes...
- Artist's name (aka the host)
- A cover art image
- A show description
- Contact e-mail
- Podcast category (or categories)
- Podcast type (Episodic or Serial)
**If you entered your directory details and/or published your first episode, we recommend waiting at least 24 hours before attempting to get your podcast listed on Apple Podcasts.**
Step 2 — Submit your show to Apple Podcasts
This still requires you either create or log into an existing Apple ID. If you do not have an Apple ID, you can learn how to do that here.
Click here to begin the submission process. This link takes you to Apple's "Podcast Connect" dashboard—you will use your Apple ID login information here.
Step 3 — Paste your RSS feed
Within your Podcast Connect account...
- Paste your Fusebox RSS feed in the area labeled "URL"
- Click the Validate button so Apple can scan the RSS feed before approval.
- Click the Submit button to submit your show for approval.
Apple will review your submission and email you with either an Approval or Rejection notification.
If you receive a rejection notification, it will include a reason why your submission was not approved. Please review Apple's email to determine what you need to change, update, or edit before re-submitting.
If you'd prefer to review Apple Podcasts' documentation directly, you can do so here.