Viewing Your Show's Analytics

Analytics give podcasters knowledge and insight into what their audience enjoys. Keep tabs on your downloads, view your top-performing episodes, and more—all at a glance.

Analytics Overview

On your main dashboard, you'll be able to see quick, important details about your show. The Analytics Overview is great for getting a quick check so you can get back to podcasting.

Analytics Full-View

If you're looking to dig a little deeper into your analytics, we have you covered!

From your dashboard, click your show's cover art on the left-hand menu — Then, click the Analytics tab.

In this breakdown, you'll be able to see exactly how your audience is listening to your podcast! 


The Sources section displays where your audience is listening to your episodes. For example, if you see more people are listening to your show on Apple Podcasts vs Google Podcasts, it might indicate you need to grow your audience on Google Podcasts.


The Platforms you a look at the type of devices your audience is listening on. For example, if you find fewer people listening to your show on your website than you expected, it might be worth exploring how to make your episode page more engaging.

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